Sermons (Page 39)

Revelation Chapters 15-16

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 15th May 2016 is the 17th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Following on from the parenthetical chapters (11-14) we now rejoin the time-line where we left off, at the mid-point of the Tribulation. Antichrist’s world Government is now established, Israel has fled […]


Revelation Chapter 14

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 8th May 2016 is the 16th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Chapters 11-14 are parenthetical chapters, that is, they are inserted into the unfolding revelation to give added information. Chapter 14 is a sort of snap-shot view that leads into the last 31/2 […]


Revelation Chapter 13

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 1st May 2016 is the 15th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In this study we look at the last two of seven characters introduced to us in chapters 12 & 13. In chapter twelve we were introduced to the Woman, who […]


Revelation Chapter 12

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 24th  April 2016 is the 14th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. What do the names dragon, serpent, beast, accuser & deceiver all have in common?  They are all names given to mankind’s greatest enemy – Satan. Satan, often simply called […]


Revelation Chapter 11

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 17th  April 2016 is the 13th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Chapter 1 of Revelation gives us our introduction to the book. Chapters 2-3 give us the 7 letters that Jesus Himself writes to the 7 churches in Asia Minor […]


A solid foundation for life

Why do Christian parents bring their children up to know and read the Bible? Is this just indoctrination or are we really giving them a solid foundation for life? In this study Pastor Barry asks the question ‘how do you know what you know’? What is basis for what you believe? Whether you have realised […]


Revelation Chapter 10

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 4th  April 2016 is the 12th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In chapter 10 we reach a crescendo that has been building from chapters 6 to 9. All that we have seen in these chapters is the fulfillment of that […]



As Christians, God has shown incredible grace to each of us – but how does that affect our view of those that are not Christians?  It’s easy to look at those around us and say “they’d make a great Christian” – but is that right?  What makes a great Christian?  In this study we consider […]


Revelation Chapter 8-9

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 20th  March 2016 is the 11th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. After all the intensity and tremendous worship we have seen from chapters 4-7, with the great chorus of praise from the great multitude, the elders, the angels and the four […]


Revelation Chapter 7

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 13th  March 2016 is the 10th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Picture the scene: The war is almost over and all the soon-to-be victorious warriors have been air-lifted home. All that remains is for the heavy artillery to launch the final decisive […]


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