Sermons by Barry Forder (Page 42)

Session 14 – 1 Samuel 1-18

This study by Pastor Barry Forder is an overview of 1 Samuel 1-18 and was our 14th session in our through the Bible in a year series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. The books of 1st and 2nd Samuel take us from one of the darkest times in Israel’s history to their ‘golden […]


Session 13 – Ruth

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 13th session of our through the Bible in a year series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. The book of Ruth is considered one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible. The events recorded took place during the time of […]


Session 12 – Judges

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 12th session of our through the Bible in a year series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. This session is an overview of the book of Judges, a book that records one of the darkest periods in Israel’s history, where rather than […]


Session 11 – Joshua

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 11th session of our through the Bible in a year series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. This session is an overview of the book of Joshua, an interesting book for a number reasons, not least because it bears the name of […]


Second Kings Chapter 10

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of the second book of Kings, the 12th book in the Bible.  Taught by our pastor, Barry Forder, at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 27th  July 2015. In this chapter (10) we see Jehu (the new king of Israel) put to an end the dynasty […]


Second Kings Chapter 8-9

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of the second book of Kings, the 12th book in the Bible.  Taught by our pastor, Barry Forder, at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 19th  July 2015. In these chapters (8-9) we see God working behind the scenes (as He so often does in our lives), […]


Second Kings Chapter 6:24 – 7:20

This study is part of our series of verse by verse studies of the second book of Kings, the 12th book in the Bible.  Taught by our pastor, Barry Forder, at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 12th  July 2015. In this chapter we see another miracle of the grace of God as the oppression of an enemy […]


Session 10 – Deuteronomy 8-34

This is the second of two sessions reviewing the Book of Deuteronomy, (the 5th book of the Bible), taught by Pastor Barry Forder as part of our ‘Through the Bible in a year’ series, recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. This book comprises of three sermons given by Moses to the […]


Session 9 – Deuteronomy 1-7

This is the first of two sessions reviewing the Book of Deuteronomy, (the 5th book of the Bible), taught by Pastor Barry Forder as part of our ‘Through the Bible in a year’ series, recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. This book comprises of three sermons given by Moses to […]


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