Sermons by Barry Forder (Page 37)

Into 2016 – a message from Pastor Barry

So, here we are, at the start of another New Year. What will this year bring for you? For the world? One thing is certain, the world is increasingly becoming unstable, however you look at it. Whether it be the climate, the economic situation, the rise and spread of killer diseases or the wars and […]


Session 48 – Revelation 12-22

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 48th and final session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review chapters 12-22 of the Book of Revelation. REVELATION The book is the Revelation of Jesus. It ‘unveils’ Jesus in all His glory and […]


Session 47 – Revelation 1-11

  This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 47th and penultimate session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review chapters 1-11 of the Book of Revelation. REVELATION The book is the Revelation of Jesus. It ‘unveils’ Jesus in all His […]


Session 46 – 1 2 & 3 John Jude

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 46th session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review John’s letters and the letter from Jude. 1ST JOHN Many scholars now believe that John’s three letters were actually the last books written in the Bible. After […]


Session 45 – James 1 & 2 Peter

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 45th session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review the letters of James and Peter, two of the most influential figures in the early Church. JAMES The Epistle of James is the first in […]


Session 43 – 1 & 2 Timothy

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 43rd session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review Paul’s letters to the Timothy. 1ST TIMOTHY Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus are instructions for young pastors. In all three epistles Paul is […]


Session 42 – 1 & 2 Thessalonians

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 42nd session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. 1st THESSALONIANS Paul spent just three weeks with the believers at Thessalonica, yet taught them more about the ‘end times’ than most […]


Session 41 – Philippians & Colossians

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 41st session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review Paul’s letters to the Philippians and Colossians. PHILLIPPIANS The letter Paul writes to this church is one of love, support, and the desire that they […]


Session 40 – Galatians & Ephesians

This study, taught by Pastor Barry Forder, is the 40th session of our ‘Through-the-Bible-in-a-Year’ series recorded during 2014 as part of our Sunday morning family services. In this study we review Paul’s letters to the Galatians and Ephesians. GALATIANS Paul’s letter to the fellowship he had started at in Galatia was to find out why a […]


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