Each Sunday we have our all-age “Worship & the Word” Sunday morning service, starting at 10:30am and finishing around 12:30pm – with a time for fellowship and refreshments afterwards.
Our service is also live-streamed on Teams – anyone wanting to join us this way should contact us at info@calvaryportsmouth.co.uk so we can add you to the Calvary Portsmouth Teams
We start the service with a time worshipping our great God & Saviour using modern praise & worship songs as well as more traditional hymns, led by the Calvary Portsmouth Band.
This is usually followed by time of open sharing and encouraging each other with opportunities that God has given us to share the gospel during the week – very much like Paul did upon returning to Antioch after his journeys; “And when they were come, and had gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles” (Acts 14:27).
After a rewiew of the notices and events for the upcoming week, the children 12 years or under then go to their own study and activity classes (see our children’s ministry page), whilst the ‘grown-ups’ stay for a time of prayer where we specifically pray for:
- This nation (1 Tim 2:2)
- The persecuted church
around the world (1 John 3:16-17),
- the Nation of Israel (Psalm 122:6:),
- finally our own fellowship and what the Lord is doing in our midst (2 Thess 3:1).
There are many things we can pray for collectivly, but these four areas are clearly encouraged – mandated – in scripture.
Our study time ususlly, consistes of a verse-by-verse study through a particular book of the Bible, that we might get to study ‘the whole counsel of God’, although we intersperse this with topical studies from time to time.
Back in 2014 we took a journey through the whole Bible in a year, starting with the book of Genesis back in January 2014 and finishing 48 sessions later in December in the book of Revelation (all of these sessions and the accompanying slides are now available for download – Click here: https://www.calvaryportsmouth.co.uk/sermon-series/through-the-bible. This is a good place to start if you are looking for a simple and concise overview of the whole Bible.
If you live in the Portsmouth area, please come and join us. If not, we’d love for you to join us via the web and pray that you are blessed by our studies – usually uploaded each Sunday evening. We also make available the Powerpoint slides used in the teaching (which helps save writing copious notes!). As always, we urge you to be Bereans, who we read about in Acts 17:11, who received the word with all readiness, but then searched the scriptures daily to see whether those things were so!
We would also ask for your prayers for this ministry, as we seek to remain always obedient to our LORD and Saviour.
During the service, there is a crèche available for parents with children under 3 years of age.