Second Kings Chapter 13-14

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 23rd August 2015 is part of our series of studies through the book of Second Kings – the 12th book in the Bible.

In this verse by verse study of chapters 13 & 14 we are given a brief history of 2 of the kings of Judah, king Amaziah, and his son who succeeds him, king Azariah – also know as Uzziah (see Isaiah 6:1). Amaziah is one of the few kings of whom we are told “he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord” (14 v3), yet we see him take on a battle that the Lord had not called him to fight. Oswald Chambers once said “the need is never the call”. There is a lesson here for us; we should not get involved in battles the Lord has not called us to fight, even if we think they should be fought and can be won! It takes a soul who is loyal to Jesus to wait upon Him when our natural instincts say go!  If the Lord does call us we will have peace and assurance the Lord is with us; but if we go in our own strength (pride), we should expect a fall! Amaziah was humiliated and the temple in Jerusalem ransacked as a result. Following this, a conspiracy arose that festered for over 15 years, until eventually Amaziah was forced to flee Jerusalem, only to be pursued an then killed. Amaziah’s young 16-year-old son Azariah then inherited the throne of David, albeit a weakened throne on account of his father’s walking by sight and not by faith!

While all this was taking place in the southern kingdom of Judah, up in the northern kingdom of Israel, the dynasty of Jehu is on the throne – but sadly going from bad to worse. Covering the period from around 814 B.C. to 753 B.C, successive kings of Syria had been a constant problem for Israel. Jehu’s son, Jehoahaz, although following after the idol worship that had been established under Jeroboam I, did at least cry our to the Lord for deliverance from the Syrians. It is however his son, Joash (not to be confused with the king of the same name the had ruled in Judah shortly before!) that makes for a good lesson for us. Joash goes to visit the dying prophet Elisha, and in effect is asked how much he wants to see God’s enemies destroyed. Joash’s half-hearted response provokes the wrath of Elisha! The challenge for you and I is, how much do you want to see God’s enemies destroyed in your life? Let me phrase that another way; how much do you hate sin?

Chapter 14 ends as we move onto the dismal life of Jeroboam II – who did evil in God’s sight; yet even here we see God’s unending grace and mercy as he sends a deliver.

May you be blessed and challenged as you listen to this study.

You can listen to the audio on this web page, or save it for later listening. The PowerPoint slides in PDF format are also available for download.


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