In this study we look at Romans ch10 vs 1- 17.
In these verses Paul begins to lay out the fact that Israel had every opportunity to respond in obedience to the Word of God, but instead they ‘would not’, and so their ‘house was left unto them desolate’. (see Matt 23:37-39)
Paul drives home the simple fact, using Abraham and Moses as his witnesses, that righteousness does not come through our works – however well intentioned – but by God grace alone. The Law was given to reveal to us God’s perfect standard, and to show that we can never attain to that standard. But Christ came and fulfilled the Law, offering to exchange our sin for His righteousness, so that we can be declared ‘not guilty’ before a Holy God.
As has been said; He paid a debt He didn’t owe because we owed a price we couldn’t pay.
We conclude by considering just how important the Word of God is to our faith.
May you be blessed and encouraged by this study.