Sermons (Page 3)

1 Corinthians Ch7

This teaching was given by pastor Barry on 7th January 2024. 1 Corinthians chapter 7 is one of those chapters we don’t readily go to if we want to preach a good ol’ gospel message!  It is probably fair to say that, unless your church teaches expositionaly (chapter-by-chapter, verse-by-verse) through the Bible, your pastor will more […]


The Hidden Treasures of Christmas – Part 1 (2023)

Jesus said that tradition undermines God’s Word – Matt 15:6. But sadly, because of tradition people miss out on incredible truths and blessings found in the Word of God. Tradition blinds people and builds up walls against the truth,;so much so, that people will vehemently defend their tradition over the truth! This is never truer than […]


The Other Christmas Story

The Other Christmas Story – the one that’s never told! You know the traditional Christmas story right? You might know ‘the truth’ about Christmas… But do you know the other Christmas story? By the time December comes around, the other Christmas has been been sung about for weeks. Supermarkets and Shopping malls have been declaring it; yet […]


1 Corinthians Ch4

This study of 1 Corinthians chapter 4 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 29th October 2023.  In this chapter, Paul continues his words of correction for the Corinthian believers who had allowed divisions to occur in the church. Paul reminds them that God’s servants are not to be exalted. Christ alone […]


1 Corinthians Ch2

This study of 1 Corinthians chapter 2 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 15th October 2023. In this study we consider the wisdom of God’s plan of redemption, hidden (but very present) in the Old Testament, but revealed in the New Testament. Through it we see the importance of the whole Bible in unveiling […]


1 Corinthians Ch1

This study of 1st Corinthains chapter 1 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 1st October 2023. In this opening chapter Paul focuses on the centrality of Christ for our salvation, sanctification, enrichment, growing in grace, sustaining and eventually to present us faultless before the throne in Heaven. Christ is our all in all. May […]


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