Sermons (Page 19)

1 Peter Ch3 1-7

This study of 1 Peter 3 vs 1-7 was recorded on 2nd August 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth and given by Pastor Barry Forder. In this study we look at the scriptural roles of the husband and wife and Peter’s admonition that we get this relationship right so that our prayers are not hindered. In […]


1 Peter Ch2 11-25

This teaching on 1 Peter 2:11-25 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 26th July 2020 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth family service. In the second half of 1 Peter chapter 2 Peter turns his focus to relationships – and specifically how a Christian should act toward others. v11-12  – The Believers’ relationship to others […]


1 Peter Ch2 1-10

This study on 1 Peter 2:1-10 was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 19th July 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service – online. In chapter 2, Peter builds on the admonition to live a holy life, given in chapter 1, by reminding believers what our old lives were like without Christ, and how destructive  […]


1 Peter Ch1 17-25

This teaching on 1st Peter chapter 1, verses 17-25 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 12th July 2020. In this chapter, Peter is encouraging us to look forward to the hope we have as Christians, and live life now in the light and understanding of that hope. Peter ends the chapter […]


1 Peter Ch1 1-9

This study of 1 Peter 1:1-9 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 28th June 2020. In his introduction, Peter reminds those to whom he writes  – those who are dispersed in this world away from their home – that we have this great hope in the completed work of Jesus, that […]


1 Peter – Introduction

This teaching was given by pastor Barry Forder on 21st June 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth. In this introduction to 1st Peter, we look at the background, life and authenticity of this first letter of the Apostle Peter. Although scholars and critics have tried to call into question Peter’s authorship of both his first and […]


James – Chapter 5

This final study in our journey through the Epistle of James was recorded on 14th June 2020 as part of our family service. In this study pastor Barry takes us through three final admonitions that James gives: The End of Injustice vs. 1-9 The End of Trials vs. 10-12 The End of Self vs. 13-20 […]


James – Chapter 4

This teaching through James chapter 4 was recorded on 7th June 2020. In this study pastor Barry underlines that this hard and direct message to our hearts is really summed up in the words “no compromise”! James gives no room to those who would live a ‘nominal Christian life’. As far as James is concerned, if […]


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