Sermons (Page 16)

Jude vs 11

This teaching was given by pastor Barry Forder on 28th February 2021. Building on our study last week, we now begin to see Jude list 30 characteristic of apostates. Not only is this a good expose of these people, it serves as a checklist of what we should not be! 1) Filthy dreamers 2) Defile […]


Jude vs 6-7

This study of Jude vs 6-7 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 14th February 2021 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s online family service. Jude wanted to write a letter of encouragement, but found himself compelled by the Holy Spirit to write a letter of warning. As Jesus had foretold in Matthew 13, ‘tares’ had […]


Jude vs 1-5

This study of Jude vs 1-5 was taught by Pastor Barry on 7th February 2021 as part of Calvary Portsmouth’s on-line family service. Jude wanted to write to believers to encourage them in their faith, but there was a problem. People claiming to be Christians were spreading false teaching and living worldly lives – and […]


2 John

This teaching on 2nd John was given by pastor Barry Forder on 24th January 2021 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s on-line family service. In this study we consider a largely unconsidered possibility as to the intended recipient of this short but powerful letter. Many assume John was writing to the Church in general, or […]


1 John ch4

This study on 1 John 4 was given by pastor Barry on the 10th January 2021 as part of Calvary Portsmouth’s on-line family service. In this chapter John reminds us again that false prophets have come, and will continue to deceive until the finally global deception is unveiled in the person of Antichrist. The world […]


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