Jude vs 20-25

This final session in our verse-by-verse study of the book of Jude was given by Pastor Barry Forder and recorded on 11th April 2021 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s online family service.

In this closing section of the letter (vs 20-25), Jude now answers the ‘so what?’ question. Having warned us of apostates that have crept into the church, and given a detailed explanation of their ways so that they can be identified, Jude now tells us what we are to do with this information.


We are to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, making sure we keep ourselves in a place where we can know the love of God and be beneficiaries of His grace and blessings.

  • The father of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) never stopped loving his wayward son, however, the prodigal son removed himself from his father’s presence & blessing.
  • Israel too, though ‘espoused to God’ (Jeremiah 2:2) and ‘the apple of His eye’ (Deuteronomy 32:10) forsook Him and subsequently removed themselves from His blessings.
  • Samson knew the blessing of God on his life, yet when he removed himself, he lost the presence and power of God in his life


We are to reach out and rescue as many as we can from the deception of these apostates. Not all will listen, and we must make sure that in rescuing souls ‘as from a burning fire’ we do not get caught up, entangled and burned ourselves. We must work our our own salvation – pay attention to our own personal walk with the LORD first – but then have compassion on those who otherwise would be deceived by smooth-talking religious charlatans!


Jude concludes his letter by reminding us that God is able to keep us from falling and will give us all the resource of Heaven if we simply resist the world, the flesh and the devil. It is a moment by moment choice. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us.

Finally, He is, and will, present us faultless before His throne in Heaven. This is not based upon us, but upon the completed work of Christ on the cross. Jesus paid it all, Jesus is our advocate with the Father,  and we are now clothed with the righteousness of Christ. He has made us accepted in the beloved! (Ephesians 1:6).

May this study encourage you to abide in Christ and stir your hearts to reach out to those who have ears to hear!


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