Genesis 3

This teaching is our sixth session in our verse-by-verse study of the Book of Genesis by pastor Barry – given as part of our family service on 19th February 2017.

In this study, as we look at Chapter 3 of Genesis, the Seed plot of the entire Bible!

The first two chapters of the Bible deal with God’s wonderful creation, then we come to chapter 3. Everything after this chapter deals with fixing the problem of this chapter.

We see the Fall of man and the wickedness of Satan. Satan is not God’s enemy, he is man’s. There is no match or equal to God.

As we move into chapter 3, we are faced with some questions:

Why was the serpent more subtle than anything God had made?

Why did Eve enter into conversation with a talking snake?

When & why did Eve sin?

Why did Adam follow Eve into sin?

Why didn’t God stop Adam & Eve from falling?

You can listen to the audio on this web page, or save it for later listening.  We have also made available Powerpoint slides (in PDF format) that outline the key points of this study.

For those wanting to study further, verse-by-verse study notes are uploaded each week as part of the Pastor’s Blog section of this web-site. The Post accompanying this study is entitled “Three Words That Changed Everything!”.

We hope and pray this teaching will bless you and encourage you to undertake your own personal study and adventure in God’s Word!


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