This study of 2 Corinthians Ch 1 vs12, to the end of chapter two, was given by paster Barry Forder on 21st April 24.
Christ is our resurrection and hope. He not only raised from the dead Himself, but raises us up to new life, not just the coming resurrection as the time of the Rapture, when all the saints will be raised incorruptible, but even now Christ is able to bring life into that which had died in our lives.
In this portion of scripture, the great Apostle Paul speaks for despairing of life itself! Wow! Can that be right? Did Paul really come to a point where he felt he just couldn’t go on? YES! …and what a great comfort to the rest of us who, at times, feel so crushed under the burden God seems to have laid upon us; be it health, financial challenges, emotional trauma, unappeased longing, emptiness, confusion of purpose… (and the list goes on and on!)
Paul was there too! and yet found that Jesus can raise us up.
May you be encouraged by this study and strengthened by God’s grace.