Sermons on The Church

Romans 11 28-36

In this teaching, given on 2nd March 2025,  Pastor Barry concludes our study of Romans 11:28-36, emphasising its critical role in understanding God’s plan for the Jews, Gentiles and what awaites us in these last days. Paul’s assertion that Israel’s current spiritual blindness is temporary, and a future restoration assured, is not merely his opinion, but […]


Romans Ch8 1-6

Romans chapter 8 is considered by some to be the high-ground of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul begins the chapter by stating that there is no possibility of condemnation for those who are in Christ, and ends the chapter by asserting that there is no possibility of separation from Him either! This should fill the hearts […]


1 Corinthians Ch14

This study on 1 Corinthians chapter 14 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 10th March 2024.  In this chapter Paul continues to speak about the proper use of spiritual gifts within the church, and how they should be used for the glory of God and the edification of the whole congregation. There is not […]


1 Corinthains Ch12

This teaching on 1 Corinthians 12 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 25th February 2024.  In this chapter, Paul begins to address questions the Corinthian believers had regarding the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life – particularly in regard to the gifts the Holy Spirit endows us with.  The chapter begins […]


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