Sermons on Restoration

Romans 11:1-25

Has God finished with Israel? That’s the question Paul asks in Romans chapter 11. His emphatic answer should put an end to the debate, yet sadly, antisemitism has been as rife in the Christian church through the centuries as it has in the world. Here, Paul not only makes his case from scripture, but warns […]


Romans 10 – Introuduction

In this introduction to Romans chapter 10, pastor Barry looks from the book of Isaiah at Israel’s past, present and future and note that throughout her history, Israel has repeatedly gone from a place of blessing, to disobedience and the resulting judgment, only to then cry out to God for deliverance and once again receive His […]


Romans 8 18-39

This teaching on Romans 8:18-39 was given by pastor Barry on 1st December 2024. In this study we conclude Romans 8 – one of the most incredible chapters in the Bible! What does it mean to be saved? How secure is our salvation? Is there anything that can separate us from the love of God? […]


Romans Ch4

In this study of Romans chapter 4, we look at the basis for salvation. How can a just God justify sinful man? It doesn’t matter how good we may think we are, even our highest standard still falls short of the perfection of a holy God. None of us could earn heaven by our efforts, […]


Luke Ch19:45-48

This study of Luke 19 vs 45-48 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 9th July 2023. In this study we look at the incredible events of Palm Sunday. Why was this day so important? Why did Jesus hold Israel accountable for not knowing the significance of this day, and why did Jesus pronounce national […]


Luke Ch17:11-37

This study of Luke 17:11-37 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 4th June 2023 at Calvary Portsmouth.  In this study we see 10 lepers healed by Jesus, as yet a further demonstration that He was indeed the long-awaited Messiah of Israel. The lepers were then sent to the High Priest, according to the Law […]


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