This study of Hosea chapter 9-10 was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 22nd August 2021 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth. In this study we continue the list of complaints God is listing against Israel, and the reasons He would allow the Assyrians to come and invade and carry away captive, the Northern Kingdom in […]
This study on Hosea chapters 5-8 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 15th August 2021 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service. We are going through a series of studies looking at the minor prophets – not minor in importance, but given the title of ‘minor’ due to the books being generally smaller than the likes […]
This study of Daniel chapter 9 vs 24-26, also known as ‘Daniel’s 70 Weeks’ was given by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 27th June 2021. As we noted in the last session, Daniel chapter 9 is, without doubt, one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Now, that is an audacious statement, but […]
This introduction to our verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 18th April 2021. Introduction to this study: The book of Daniel is one of the best-loved books of the Bible; it gives us the story of ‘Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego and the fiery furnace’ and ‘Daniel in […]
This teaching was given by pastor Barry Forder on 14th March 21 as part of Calvary Portsmouth’s on-line family service. Jude has been detailing the characteristics of the apostates who have crept into the church. In the previous study he has explained they have no regard for authority, and then how they are like Cain, […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder, recorded on the 15th December 2019, is the final part of our 6-session mini-series on ‘The Greatest Mystery’. In this session, we see how God has been working all things throughout history to His timetable and for His purposes. This ancient mystery determines the course of world history, it […]
This study, by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded on the 8th December 2019 at Calvary Portsmouth. This is the 5th study in our series entitled ‘The Greatest Mystery’. In this session, we continue to explore the incredible way God engineered to bring the Jews back into their homeland after almost 2000 years in accordance with […]