This concluding part of our study of Zephaniah was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth on 19th March 2022. In Chapter 2, Zephaniah lays out the coming judgment upon the gentile nations surrounding Israel, for two key reasons: 1) they had not been content with the land allotted to them by the Lord […]
This teaching on Micah ch3-5 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 7th February 2022. Micah chapters 3 to 5 form the second section in this short book. In chapter 3 Micah expresses God’s displeasure at Israel’s leaders: The judges and princes of the nation, who should have acted with justice and integrity, but instead […]
This study of Amos Ch2 vs4, through to Ch4, was given on 7th November 2021 by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth. How is the church in this country doing? Certainly, better than the world right? The world is deserving of judgment, God’s divine wrath. But the church, well, we’re doing just fine… aren’t we? […]
This teaching on Joel chapter 3, verses 1-2, was given on 3rd October 2021 by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth’s family service. In our previous studies we have seen how the book of Joel seems to prophetically outline the history of the Nation of Israel, up to and including the climactic conclusion as depicted […]
This final session in our verse-by-verse study of Hosea was recorded on 5th September 2021. What are the lessons we can learn from this incredible book of love and grace? Nothing is able to quench God’s love for us God suffers intense sorrow when men desert him: The sacredness and sanctity of marriage typify our […]
This study of Hosea chapter 9-10 was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 22nd August 2021 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth. In this study we continue the list of complaints God is listing against Israel, and the reasons He would allow the Assyrians to come and invade and carry away captive, the Northern Kingdom in […]
This study on Hosea chapters 5-8 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 15th August 2021 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service. We are going through a series of studies looking at the minor prophets – not minor in importance, but given the title of ‘minor’ due to the books being generally smaller than the likes […]