Sermons on Obedience

2 Corinthians Ch1 vs 1-11

This is our first study in our verse-by-verse journey through 2nd Corinthains. Have you ever been discouraged by the constant trials? In this letter, Paul pours his heart out to the saints in Corinth and teaches them that the sufferings and tribulations we so often experience are used by God to demonstrate His comfort to […]


Palm Sunday 2024

This study, on the signficance of Palm Sunday, was given by Pastor Barry Forder on the 24th March 24. Palm Sunday… It was, of course, the day we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey – famously fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9 given sone 500 years earlier. We know from scripture that a ‘multitude’ of […]


The hope laid up for us in Heaven

Inheritacne of the Saints – Part 2 This topical study – given on 10th September 2023 – is a continuation of our theme from last week, looking at ‘The Inheritacne of the Saints’ amd what awaits us in Heaven.  In this study pastor Barry reminds us of the faithfulness of God who is not unjust […]


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