Sermons on Israel

Palm Sunday 2024

This study, on the signficance of Palm Sunday, was given by Pastor Barry Forder on the 24th March 24. Palm Sunday… It was, of course, the day we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey – famously fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9 given sone 500 years earlier. We know from scripture that a ‘multitude’ of […]


1 Corinthians Ch15 1-11

First Corinthians chapter 15 is regarded by some as one of the most important chapters in the Bible! In this study, Pastor Barry starts to unpack this chapter asking ‘why do we believe’? ‘What is the basis for our hope and faith’? The Apostle Paul begins by reminding the Corinthian believers that he had come […]


1 Corinthians Ch10:13-33

This study of 1 Corinthians Ch10 vs 13-33 was  given by pastor Barry Forder on 4th February 2024. In this study, we continue Paul’s admonition to the Corinthian believers to consider others before ouselves. Our lives should show forth the love and compassion we have recieved from God. Our freedom and liberty should never become […]


The Journey of the Ark – Part 1

This teaching was give by elder Jim Eden on 28th January 2024. In this study Jim considers the incredible fact that many of Israel’s most tragic historical events have all occured on specific dates – demonstarting God’s control of history. Jim then looks at the opening chapters of the book of First Samuel and the […]


1 Corinthians 10:1-12

This study of 1 Corinthians hapter 10:1-12 was given by pastor Barry on 21st January 2024. In these verses, Paul builds the theme of the previous two chapters, namely, that we should be careful that our so-called ‘knowldge’ doesn’t become a stumbling block for another believer, and that we should be careful that our confidence, which […]


The Hidden Treasures of Christmas – Part 1 (2023)

Jesus said that tradition undermines God’s Word – Matt 15:6. But sadly, because of tradition people miss out on incredible truths and blessings found in the Word of God. Tradition blinds people and builds up walls against the truth,;so much so, that people will vehemently defend their tradition over the truth! This is never truer than […]


The Other Christmas Story

The Other Christmas Story – the one that’s never told! You know the traditional Christmas story right? You might know ‘the truth’ about Christmas… But do you know the other Christmas story? By the time December comes around, the other Christmas has been been sung about for weeks. Supermarkets and Shopping malls have been declaring it; yet […]


Luke Ch22

This study of Luke chapter 22 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 6th August 2023 at Calvary Portsmouth. In this study we look at the day leading up to Jesus’ arrest and trials before the crucifixion. At the beginning of the chapter Luke gives us an important insight from a Jewish perspective that helps […]


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