Sermons on Grace (Page 3)

Luke Ch9 37-62

This study in Luke 9 vs 37-62 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 26th February 2023 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth.  In the last part of Luke chapter 9 we see Jesus, Peter, James and John return from the Mt of Transfiguration to be with the rest of the disciples who had waited somewhere around the […]


Luke Ch8 26-56

This study in Luke 8 vs 26-56 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 5th February 2023 as part of our verse-by-verse study in the Gospel of Luke. There are three silent, but powerful, ‘enemies’ that hinder the work of God in our lives: Fear, doubt and unbelief. So often, fear leads to doubt and […]


Luke Ch8 16-25

This study of Luke ch8 16-25 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 29th January 2023. In our study of the preceding verses (1-15) Luke recounts the parable Jesus taught about the four different types of soil – that speak of the condition of men’s hearts when they hear the word of God. ─The Way […]


Luke Ch8 1-15

This teaching on Luke chapter 8, verses 1-15 was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 22nd January 2023 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth. Luke chapter 8 begins by reminding us that throughout Jesus ministry He proclaimed the good news, accompanied by signs and wonders, healing multitudes. When Jesus sent the disciples out He said: “And as […]


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