Sermons on God's Plan of Redemption (Page 3)

Luke Ch21

This study of Luke 21 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 30th July 2023 at Calvary Portsmouth. The PowerPoint slides and notes used in this study are available for free download.   May you be blessed and encouraged by this study.


Luke Ch19:45-48

This study of Luke 19 vs 45-48 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 9th July 2023. In this study we look at the incredible events of Palm Sunday. Why was this day so important? Why did Jesus hold Israel accountable for not knowing the significance of this day, and why did Jesus pronounce national […]


Luke Ch18:15-43

This teaching on Luke chapter 18, verses 15-43, was given by pastor Barry Forder on 18th June 2023.  In the study we continue our journey through Luke, as Jesus moves closer to Jerusalem for the ‘final showdown’. We see here the disciples rebuked for trying to stop the children from coming to Jesus, to which […]


Luke Ch17:11-37

This study of Luke 17:11-37 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 4th June 2023 at Calvary Portsmouth.  In this study we see 10 lepers healed by Jesus, as yet a further demonstration that He was indeed the long-awaited Messiah of Israel. The lepers were then sent to the High Priest, according to the Law […]


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