This second study in our verse-by-verse journey through the Gospel of Luke was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 16th October 2022. CHAPTER 1:34-80 In this session we see both the birth of John and the birth of Jesus recorded. Luke tells how Gabriel had visited Mary to announce that she was […]
This study on Zechariah chapters 7-8 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 12th June 2022. Chapters 7 & 8 are an historical interlude in the book of Zechariah, between the prophetic visions of the first six chapters and the prophetic climax to the book, from chapter 9-14. In chapter 7 we see two individuals sent […]
This introduction to the book of Zechariah, given by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded on 1st May 2022 at Calvary Portsmouth. Israel had returned from Babylon in 537 B.C. following the decree of Cyrus to allow them to return home. 19 years later the prophet Haggai stepped onto the scene and declared “Consider your ways”! In just […]
This teaching on Joel chapter 3, verses 1-2, was given on 3rd October 2021 by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth’s family service. In our previous studies we have seen how the book of Joel seems to prophetically outline the history of the Nation of Israel, up to and including the climactic conclusion as depicted […]
This teaching on Joel chapter 2 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth on 26th September 2021. Last week we saw how God used the real plague of locusts in Joel’s time to warn the nation of Israel, and ‘all who have ears to hear’, that another devastating judgment is coming on […]
This topical study on Pentecost – the birth, mandate and hope of the Church – was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 31st May 2020 (Pentecost 2020) as part of our family service. Pentecost, the Feast of Harvest, had been celebrated by Jews for centuries, but then in A.D. 32, the year of the Resurrection […]
This teaching is the conclusion of a two-part study looking at the Feasts of Israel and their prophetic significance. This teaching was given by guest speaker, Adrian Hudson, on 28th April 2019 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul tells us that the Gospel itself is concealed in […]
This teaching is the first of a two-part study looking at the Feasts of Israel and their prophetic significance. This teaching was given by guest speaker, Adrian Hudson, on 14th April 2019 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul tells us that the Gospel itself is concealed […]