Romans chapter 8 is considered by some to be the high-ground of the New Testament. The Apostle Paul begins the chapter by stating that there is no possibility of condemnation for those who are in Christ, and ends the chapter by asserting that there is no possibility of separation from Him either! This should fill the hearts […]
In this verse-by-verse study of Romans chapter 7, given on the 27th October 24, pastor Barry looks at what the Apostle Paul taught us about the purpose and nature of the Law. It cannot make us righteous, it can only condemn. It cannot keep us from sinning, it can only awaken the sinful nature within. The Law […]
This is our first study in our verse-by-verse journey through 2nd Corinthains. Have you ever been discouraged by the constant trials? In this letter, Paul pours his heart out to the saints in Corinth and teaches them that the sufferings and tribulations we so often experience are used by God to demonstrate His comfort to […]