This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 2nd June 2019. In his final letter, shortly before his death, Paul writes from prison to encourage young pastor Timothy. In this introduction we consider the life of Paul, from ‘church hater’ to ‘Apostle to the Gentiles’; and look at this unique […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on 19th May 2019. Pilate had asked Jesus the question “What is truth?” To many, truth is merely relative, that is, we can each decide our own truth depending on our circumstances and experiences. The day before Pilate asked this question, […]
This teaching was given by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on the 6th January 2019. During the service, we celebrated the dedication of a child in the fellowship to the LORD, and as this was also the first service of 2019, Pastor Barry taught on the theme of dedicating our lives to the […]
In this study, recorded at our family service on Sunday 19th November 2017, guest speaker, Ilir Begaj looks at examples from the life of David to underline that the battle belongs to the LORD. There were many times David could have had confidence in the flesh, that is, trusted in his own abilities and strength, but […]
In this study, recorded at our family service on Sunday 17th September, guest speaker, Ilir Begaj taught from 1 Samuel 8:1-7 Ilir grew up in a Muslim family in Kosovo but came to know the love of Jesus for himself. In this study, Ilir shows from scripture the danger of impatiently seeking what we think we want […]
In this study, recorded at our family service on Sunday 2nd July 2017, Bob Stanton (formally of London City Mission), using 2 Chronicles 20:1-22 as the starting point, looks at the uniqueness of Christianity. You can listen to the audio on this web page, or save it for listening to later. We hope and pray this […]