Sermons on Christianity (Page 5)

Zephaniah Ch1 – Ch2v3

** The audio quality of this recording is impaired due to a technical fault. Please accept our apologies. ** This first part of our two-part study in the book of Zephaniah was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth on 13th March 2022. Zephaniah was the great grandson of king Hezekiah. In the opening […]


Joel Ch3 vs1-2

This teaching on Joel chapter 3, verses 1-2, was given on 3rd October 2021 by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth’s family service. In our previous studies we have seen how the book of Joel seems to prophetically outline the history of the Nation of Israel, up to and including the climactic conclusion as depicted […]


Hosea Ch11-12

This study of Hosea 11-12 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 29th August 2021. In our verse-by-verse journey through Hosea we have seen God’s call to Hosea to take a wife of whoredoms and love her despite her unfaithfulness. This was to be a sign to the Nation of Israel of God’s love for His […]


Daniel Ch9 vs24-27

This study of Daniel chapter 9 vs 24-26, also known as ‘Daniel’s 70 Weeks’ was given by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 27th June 2021. As we noted in the last session, Daniel chapter 9 is, without doubt, one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Now, that is an audacious statement, but […]


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