This teaching was given by Leon Davey on 17th October 2021. In Matthew 15 vs 15 Jesus asked His disciples “Are you also still without understanding?” This question came after Jesus had spoken many things in Parables. Contrary to the way many view parables, they are not just quaint Sunday school stories! They are full […]
This teaching on Joel chapter 3, verses 1-2, was given on 3rd October 2021 by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth’s family service. In our previous studies we have seen how the book of Joel seems to prophetically outline the history of the Nation of Israel, up to and including the climactic conclusion as depicted […]
This final session in our verse-by-verse study of Hosea was recorded on 5th September 2021. What are the lessons we can learn from this incredible book of love and grace? Nothing is able to quench God’s love for us God suffers intense sorrow when men desert him: The sacredness and sanctity of marriage typify our […]
This study of Daniel chapter 9 vs 24-26, also known as ‘Daniel’s 70 Weeks’ was given by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 27th June 2021. As we noted in the last session, Daniel chapter 9 is, without doubt, one of the most important chapters in the Bible. Now, that is an audacious statement, but […]
…testimonies of the Deity of Christ This teaching was given on Resurrection Day 2021 by pastor Barry Forder. The most important question ever asked was asked by Jesus to His disciples at Caesarea Philippi in Northern Israel, around 6 months before His crucifixion. After asking whom the people were saying that Jesus might be, Jesus turned […]
This teaching on 1 John ch2 vs. 14-29 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 6th December 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s on-line family service. In this chapter John plainly states that if you are content (and find no real problem) with this world and the things of this world, if you are ‘given over’ […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder, recorded on the 15th December 2019, is the final part of our 6-session mini-series on ‘The Greatest Mystery’. In this session, we see how God has been working all things throughout history to His timetable and for His purposes. This ancient mystery determines the course of world history, it […]