Sermons on Christianity (Page 2)

The Judgment Seat of Christ

Inheritacne of the Saints – Part 3 In this concluding session of our 3-part mini-seies on ‘The Inheritance of the Saints’ was given by pastor Barry on 17th September 2023.  In this final part we look at the day that is coming, referred to by the Apostle Paul as ‘The Judgment Seat of Christ‘ and what […]


Luke Ch8 26-56

This study in Luke 8 vs 26-56 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 5th February 2023 as part of our verse-by-verse study in the Gospel of Luke. There are three silent, but powerful, ‘enemies’ that hinder the work of God in our lives: Fear, doubt and unbelief. So often, fear leads to doubt and […]


Luke Ch6

This study of Luke chapter 6 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 27th November 2022. In this chapter we see Jesus confronted by the Pharisees regarding, as they perceived, a direct violation of their Sabbath laws. Jesus undoes their arguments by quoting scriptural examples to show that ‘the Sabbath was made for […]


The Mystery of Israel

This study on the Mystery of Israel was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 19th June 2022 at Calvary Portsmouth. In the book of Romans the Apostle Paul speaks of the ‘Mystery of Israel’. David Torrance said: “Despite wars, persecutions and repeated attempts to obliterate them, they have kept their peculiar identity. They have […]


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