Sermons on Christian Living (Page 5)

Luke Ch9 37-62

This study in Luke 9 vs 37-62 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 26th February 2023 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth.  In the last part of Luke chapter 9 we see Jesus, Peter, James and John return from the Mt of Transfiguration to be with the rest of the disciples who had waited somewhere around the […]


Luke Ch8 16-25

This study of Luke ch8 16-25 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 29th January 2023. In our study of the preceding verses (1-15) Luke recounts the parable Jesus taught about the four different types of soil – that speak of the condition of men’s hearts when they hear the word of God. ─The Way […]


Luke Ch6

This study of Luke chapter 6 was given by pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Portsmouth on 27th November 2022. In this chapter we see Jesus confronted by the Pharisees regarding, as they perceived, a direct violation of their Sabbath laws. Jesus undoes their arguments by quoting scriptural examples to show that ‘the Sabbath was made for […]


Malachi Ch3-4

This concluding study in Malachi 3-4 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 24th July 2022. This also brings us to the end of our study in the Minor Prophets. Throughout the Minor Prophets we have seen God’s faithfulness to the Nation of Israel, keeping His covenant with the nation that had been given to […]


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