'verse by verse' tagged sermons (Page 31)

Revelation Chapter 1 10-20

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 17th January 2016 is the 2nd in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. The book begins with the Greek word ‘apokalypsis’ (translated ‘Revelation’), and it’s from this we get our word ‘apocalypse’. Despite it’s modern cataclysmic usage the word actually means ‘unveiling’ and […]


Revelation Chapter 1 1-10

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 10th January 2016 is the 1st in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. The book is the Revelation of Jesus. It ‘unveils’ Jesus in all His glory and majesty. Without this book the Bible would not be complete. As Genesis is the […]


Galatians Chapter 6

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 13th December 2015 is the 7th and final study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In chapter 6  Paul continues to look at the contrasts between a flesh-led life and a spirit led life. To begin with Paul shows that if we are […]


Galatians Chapter 5: 14-26

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 6th December 2015 is the 6th study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In chapter 5 verse 13 Paul addresses the question, “If Christ has paid for all our sin, past present and future…and if we have now been adopted as Son’s , what’s […]


Galatians Chapter 5: 1-14

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 29th November 2015 is the 5th study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In chapter 5 Paul urges the Galatian believers to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage”. This […]


Galatians Chapter 4

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 22nd November 2015 is the forth study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In chapter 4 Paul uses three main arguments to try and convince his Galatian converts that thy should refuse to listen to the Judaizers, and not bring themselves back under […]


Galatians Chapter 3

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 15th November 2015 is the third study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In this study we see Paul  continuing his defense of the gospel of Grace, and bringing a challenge to any who would try to add to the simplicity of the gospel. […]


Galatians Chapter 2

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 8th November 2015 is the second study in our verse-by-verse journey through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In this study we look at events following Paul’s conversion in the summer of A.D. 32, which eventually led to him, 17 years later, going up to Jerusalem with […]


Galatians Chapter 1

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 1st November 2015 is the first in our verse-by-verse  studies through Paul’s epistle to the Galatians. In this study we look at the background to the letter in order to understand Paul’s reason for writing. Of all of Paul’s letters, this is the most […]


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