This study, by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded on 17th November 1219 and is the 3rd in our series entitled “The Greatest Mystery”. In our first session, we looked at over 20 undeniable proofs for God’s existence and the validity, accuracy, and trustworthiness of the Bible, demonstrating it has been given to us from outside […]
What if there was a mystery that spanned the ages? A mystery birthed in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago that is now determining the events of our day? What if I told you this mystery involves global leaders, heads of state, presidents, and many others who have all been working to […]
This teaching was recorded on 29th September 2019 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s children’s service. In this 3rd teaching on the fallacy of the theory of evolution as proposed by Charles Darwin, pastor Barry explains to the children that what they will be taught in school on this subject is somewhat lacking in scientific support! [There […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder is the second in our four-part study looking at the coming judgment of the Church. In this session, we look at the incredible parallels between the history of the nation of Israel and the history of the church. In 1 Corinthians 10 Paul warns the church to not make […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder was given on the 25th August 2019 and is the first in a four-part study looking at the coming judgment of the Church. Peter tells us that the time of judgment that will soon engulf this world will begin with God bringing judgment on the apostate church that has […]
This teaching was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth as part of our Children’s service on 30th June 2019. In this session Pastor Barry looks back at a significant event that occurred 158 years ago (on this day) – ‘The Great Debate’ in Oxford, England, and explains to the Children that, with what we now know […]
This teaching by pastor Barry Forder was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on 19th May 2019. Pilate had asked Jesus the question “What is truth?” To many, truth is merely relative, that is, we can each decide our own truth depending on our circumstances and experiences. The day before Pilate asked this question, […]
This teaching is the conclusion of a two-part study looking at the Feasts of Israel and their prophetic significance. This teaching was given by guest speaker, Adrian Hudson, on 28th April 2019 as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul tells us that the Gospel itself is concealed in […]