Sermons by Barry Forder (Page 26)

The Gospel of Mark 9 14-34

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on19th August 2018. In this study, we remind ourselves of the importance of the transfiguration of Jesus, and consider the implications for us, who are also to be transformed from the inside out, to show forth His glory! In the book, The Psychology of Redemption, […]


The Gospel of Mark 9 1-16

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 29th July 2018. It this study we see Jesus transfigured on the top of Mt Hermon (in Northern Israel). This was unlike any experience any human had known up to this time. The Glory that Jesus had spoken to His disciples of only […]


The Gospel of Mark 8:14-38

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 23rd July 2018. In Mark 8:14-38 we learned three valuable lessons: 1) Remember what the LORD has done! After the feeding of the 5000 and the feeding of the 4000, and seeing how Jesus provided for all the people supernaturally by His […]


The Gospel of Mark 8 1-13

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 15th July 2018. In Mark chapter 8 the feeding of the 4000 is a different event from the incredible feeding of the 5000 that Mark recorded back in chapter 6. In chapter 6 it was a Jewish audience, here […]


The Gospel of Mark 7

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 8th July 2018. In Mark chapter 7 we see Jesus once again confronted with the professional religious leaders who had travelled down from Jerusalem. Sadly, they had not come to merely investigate the stories they had heard about the […]


The Gospel of Mark 6 32-56

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 24th June 2018. In this study, we follow on from the verses we ended with last week, where we saw the disciples return from their ‘adventure’, healing the sick, preaching the gospel & casting out unclean spirits. There must […]


The Gospel of Mark 6 1-31

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 17th June 2018. As we move into Mark chapter 6 we see Jesus return to his boyhood home – Nazareth. From what we glean from Psalm 69 Jesus’ childhood was far from easy! The townsfolk of Nazareth had made Jesus […]


The Gospel of Mark 4 35 – 5 43

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 10th June 2018. We have already seen a number of miraculous healings that Mark recounts for us; the paralytic lowered into Peter’s house by his friends; the leaper that began the Pharisee’s inquisition of Jesus, the healing of the man […]


The Gospel of Mark 4 1-34

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 3rd June 2018. In this study we see Jesus draw his biggest crowd yet, so He gets in a larger boat than last time and again teaches the people as they line the shore of Capernaum. Possibly looking into the […]


The Gospel of Mark 3 20-35

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded at our Sunday morning family service on 27th May 2018. Have you ever been told you are overdoing it in your ministry serving the LORD? In this Chapter, Jesus faces exactly that kind of response from his earthly family. What people don’t account for as they […]


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