Sermons by Barry Forder (Page 25)

The Gospel of Mark 13 14-20

This verse-by-verse study of Mark 13:14-20 was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 21st October 2018. In our verse-by-verse journey through the Gospel of Mark we are reviewing the Olivet Discourse – the private briefing that Jesus gave to Peter, James, Andrew, and John on the Mt of Olives on the Tuesday before His […]


The Gospel of Mark 13 6-13

This verse-by-verse study of Mark 13:6-13 was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 14th October 2018. In our verse-by-verse journey through the Gospel of Mark we are reviewing the Olivet Discourse – the private briefing that Jesus gave to Peter, James, Andrew, and John on the Mt of Olives on the […]


The Gospel of Mark 13 1-5

This verse-by-verse study of Mark 13:1-5 was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 7th October 2018. Two days before His crucifixion Jesus warned of deception that would come. Peter, Paul, John and Jude would all later go on to warn of powerful deception in the ‘last days’. One of the greatest deceptions […]


The Gospel of Mark 12

This verse-by-verse study of Mark 12 was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 30th September 2018. In this study we see Jesus, on the Tuesday before the Crucifixion (that would take place on the Thursday of Passion Week) going back into Jerusalem to do battle with the Jewish leadership. Jesus riles the Pharisees by […]


The Gospel of Mark 11 11-33

This verse-by-verse study of Mark 11:11-33 was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 23rd September 2018. In the first part of this chapter we saw Jesus arrive at Bethany on the Saturday evening, and then ride into Jerusalem on ‘Palm Sunday’, fulfilling the prophecy given by Gabriel, recorded in Daniel chapter 9 to the […]


The Gospel of Mark 10 13-52

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 9th September 2018. As Jesus continues His journey toward Jerusalem for the final showdown, Mark, in his usual ‘snapshot’ style records some of the key things that occurred on the journey. In chapter 10 verse 13 we see the disciples try to […]


The Gospel of Mark 10 1-12

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 2nd September 2018. In this study we see the Pharisees trying the trap Jesus with a question regarding divorce. At that time there were two opposing views put forward by the leading Rabbi’s of the day: The first was the school of Rabbi Hillel […]


The Gospel of Mark 9 33 – 50

This study was taught by Pastor Barry Forder at our family service on 26th August 2018. In our study of Mark’s Gospel, Jesus is now on His way down to Jerusalem, but stops off at Simon Peter’s house to give the disciples their first object lesson about ‘greatness’ in His coming kingdom. The disciples were expecting Jesus […]


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