Sermons by Barry Forder (Page 19)

Hebrews – Chapter 12

This teaching on Hebrews chapter 12 was given by pastor Barry Forder on 19th April as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s Sunday service. In Hebrews chapter 11 the theme is ‘Faith’. As we move into chapter 12 we look at the 2nd element of Paul’s 1 C0rinthians 13 trilogy – ‘Hope’. We have around us […]


Palm Sunday – one of the most important days in history!

This teaching by Pastor Barry Forder was recorded on Palm Sunday – 5th April 2020. Palm Sunday. It was, of course, the day we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey – famously fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9 given sone 500 years earlier. We know from scripture that a ‘multitude’ of Jesus disciples spread their coats on […]


Hebrews – Chapter 11

This teaching on Hebrews 11 was recorded ‘live from home’ as part of Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s [Covid19 enforced] online service on 29th March 2020. In this chapter, the writer to the Hebrews builds on his statement (quotation from Habakkuk 2:4) in the penultimate verse of chapter 10 “The just shall live by faith” by now going on […]


Hebrews – Chapter 6 vs1-9

This study was recorded on 23rd February 2020 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth as part of our family service. In this teaching, pastor Barry goes verse-by-verse through the first 9 verses of what many commentators have called the hardest chapter in the Bible! J Vernon McGee, in his commentary on this chapter, stated “As we study this section, we […]


Hebrews – Chapter 5

This teaching on Hebrews chapter 5, by pastor Barry Forder, was recorded on 16th February 2020 at Calvary Portsmouth. The writer to the Hebrews has already shown to his Jewish hearers that Jesus was greater than the Angels, greater than the Law, greater than Moses and greater than Joshua. In this chapter he goes on […]


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