Topical Studies

Palm Sunday 2024

This study, on the signficance of Palm Sunday, was given by Pastor Barry Forder on the 24th March 24. Palm Sunday… It was, of course, the day we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey – famously fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah 9:9 given sone 500 years earlier. We know from scripture that a ‘multitude’ of […]


The Journey of the Ark – Part 1

This teaching was give by elder Jim Eden on 28th January 2024. In this study Jim considers the incredible fact that many of Israel’s most tragic historical events have all occured on specific dates – demonstarting God’s control of history. Jim then looks at the opening chapters of the book of First Samuel and the […]


The Judgment Seat of Christ

Inheritacne of the Saints – Part 3 In this concluding session of our 3-part mini-seies on ‘The Inheritance of the Saints’ was given by pastor Barry on 17th September 2023.  In this final part we look at the day that is coming, referred to by the Apostle Paul as ‘The Judgment Seat of Christ‘ and what […]


The hope laid up for us in Heaven

Inheritacne of the Saints – Part 2 This topical study – given on 10th September 2023 – is a continuation of our theme from last week, looking at ‘The Inheritacne of the Saints’ amd what awaits us in Heaven.  In this study pastor Barry reminds us of the faithfulness of God who is not unjust […]


Looking Forward To Our Heavenly Home

Inheritacne of the Saints – Part 1 This first part of a three-part topical study on ‘The Inheritance of the Saints’ was given by pastor Barry on 3rd September 2023. The Bible says much about what we can expect in our eternal home, yet so often it is not thought about or considered. In this study we […]


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