Sunday morning studies (Page 8)

Malachi Ch3-4

This concluding study in Malachi 3-4 was given by Pastor Barry Forder on 24th July 2022. This also brings us to the end of our study in the Minor Prophets. Throughout the Minor Prophets we have seen God’s faithfulness to the Nation of Israel, keeping His covenant with the nation that had been given to […]


Malachi Ch1-2

This first part of our 2-part study in the book of Malachi was given by Pastor Barry Forder on the 17th July 2022 at Calvary Portsmouth. Malachi (whose name means ‘my messenger’) comes onto the scene around 60 years after the Jews had returned from the captivity in Babylon. Dr Chuck Missler comments: “The Temple […]


Zechariah Ch13-14

This final study in our journey through Zechariah was recorded on 10th July 22 at Calvary Portsmouth, by pastor Barry Forder. In this concluding study in our verse-by-verse journey though Zechariah we see Zechariah reiterate the LORD’s promises to His people, Israel. They will be blessed and one day dwell in peace and safety in […]


Zechariah Ch11-12

This teaching on Zechariah chapter 11-12 was given on 3rd July 2022 at Calvary Portsmouth by pastor Barry Forder. In these incredible chapters the answer is given as to why God has not yet poured out on Israel the blessings that were foretold and promised back in chapter 10. “This Chapter explains why the blessings […]


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