Sunday morning studies (Page 36)

Revelation Chapter 11

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 17th  April 2016 is the 13th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Chapter 1 of Revelation gives us our introduction to the book. Chapters 2-3 give us the 7 letters that Jesus Himself writes to the 7 churches in Asia Minor […]


A solid foundation for life

Why do Christian parents bring their children up to know and read the Bible? Is this just indoctrination or are we really giving them a solid foundation for life? In this study Pastor Barry asks the question ‘how do you know what you know’? What is basis for what you believe? Whether you have realised […]


Revelation Chapter 10

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 4th  April 2016 is the 12th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In chapter 10 we reach a crescendo that has been building from chapters 6 to 9. All that we have seen in these chapters is the fulfillment of that […]


Revelation Chapter 8-9

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 20th  March 2016 is the 11th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. After all the intensity and tremendous worship we have seen from chapters 4-7, with the great chorus of praise from the great multitude, the elders, the angels and the four […]


Revelation Chapter 7

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 13th  March 2016 is the 10th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. Picture the scene: The war is almost over and all the soon-to-be victorious warriors have been air-lifted home. All that remains is for the heavy artillery to launch the final decisive […]


Revelation Chapter 6

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 6th  March 2016 is the 9th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In this study we begin to look at ‘the beginning of sorrows’. This is a phrase given to us by Jesus in Matthew 24, when He was explaining to the […]


Revelation Chapter 5

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 28th  February 2016 is the 8th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In the previous session we saw a glimpse of Heaven as John is ‘caught up‘ and told “Come up here and see the things which must be ‘after these things’” […]


Revelation Chapter 4

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 21st February 2016 is the 7th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. As we have previously noted, the book of Revelation is divided up into 3 sections as explained by Jesus Himself in Chapter 1 verse 19: The things that John had seen […]


Revelation Chapter 3

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 14th February 2016 is the 6th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In chapters 2 & 3 of Revelation we find seven letters that Jesus Himself writes to seven churches that existed in Asia Minor in the first century. As we noted last […]


Revelation Chapter 2 12-29

This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder at our Sunday morning service on Sunday 31st January 2016 is the 5th in our verse-by-verse study through the book of Revelation. In chapters 2 & 3 of Revelation we find seven letters that Jesus Himself writes to seven churches that existed in Asia Minor in the first century. As we noted last […]


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