Sunday morning studies (Page 24)

1 Samuel 14 1-23

The Grace to Step Out in Faith – 10th March 2019 In this teaching by guest speaker, Pastor Antonye Holyde, we look at the courage of Jonathan (Saul’s son) to step out in faith, leaving behind the compromise that surrounded him, and take a stand for the God of Israel. Pastor Antonye encourages us to […]


1 Timothy 3 1-7

This teaching by pastor Barry Forder was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on the 24th Feb 19. In chapter 3 of Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he outlines the requirements of a ‘poiman’ (Shepherd) / ‘episkope’ (overseer) – one who is entrusted by God with the spiritual care and nurturing of the sheep […]


1 Timothy 2 5-15

This teaching, by pastor Barry Forder,  was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on 17th February 2019. In this study, we continue to look at the order in the church and see that at the heart of it is the condition of our hearts! Are we prepared to submit to one another in love? Are we […]


1 Timothy 2 1-4

This teaching on 1 Timothy 2:1-4 was given by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on 10th February 2019. We now began to look at Paul’s instructions to Timothy regarding men and women in the church. Men must not be militant ‘political activists’ be willing to be under the authority of government […]


1 Timothy 1 6-20

This teaching on 1 Timothy 1: 6-20 was given by Pastor Barry Forder at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth’s family service on 3rd February 2019. Paul continues to give instruction and encouragement to young pastor Timothy. The challenges before him, as with so many churches and pastors today are: to teach sound doctrine and correct the erroneous […]


1 Timothy 1 1-5

This teaching was given as part of our family service on 27th January 2019, taught by Pastor Barry Forder. In this session we look at the opening 5 verses of Paul’s first letter to Timothy and see that Paul gives Timothy two essential qualities that should be found in any spiritual officer within the church: […]


Introduction to 1st Timothy

This teaching was recorded at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth family service on 20th January 2019. In this study, we look at the historical background that brought the Apostle Paul to Lystra where a young 13/14-year-old Timothy first heard him preach about Jesus of Nazareth, whom Paul claimed was the promised Messiah of Israel! On that occasion […]


Introduction to 1&2 Timothy

Recorded on the 13th January 2019 at our family service, this study is an introduction to our verse by verse journey through 1st and 2nd Timothy. Written by Paul to his young prodigy and ‘son in the faith’ Timothy, to encourage this young pastor of the church at Ephesus to keep going! We all face […]


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