This is the second part of our Christmas 2024 study, looking at the hidden treasures in the Christmas narrative we can find when we look beyond the tradition. This study was taught by Pastor BarryForder. Jesus said that tradition undermines God’s Word. That has never been truer than in regard to the Christmas narrative that […]
This teaching was given by pastor Barry Forder on 20th December as part of our Christmas 2020 series. Last week we looked at why God would send seemingly obscure shepherds to see Jesus at the time of His birth. Far from being a random choice, we noted that the shepherds on this hills around Bethlehem […]
This teaching, entitled “Do the details really matter?”, was given as part of our family service on 17th December 2017 by Pastor Barry Forder. Do the details really matter? Consider the following from the business world: What is your tolerance for being off course? Are you ok with a one degree mistake? At first glance, […]
So much of Christmas is based on tradition and not scripture. In this final part of our 3-part study, pastor Barry looks at some of the staggering prophecies that were fulfilled when Jesus was born. We all like to be prepared for Christmas, to make sure everything is just right. Well, God spent 4000 years getting […]
So much of Christmas is based on tradition and not scripture. In this second part of a 3-part study, pastor Barry looks at the greatest present ever given – Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. We all like to be prepared for Christmas, to make sure everything is just right. […]
So much of Christmas is based on tradition and not scripture. In this first part of a 3-part study, pastor Barry looks at the history and origin of Christmas. When was Jesus really born? Why do we celebrate Christmas on the 25th December? What about Christmas trees, candles & mistletoe? Does any of this have […]