Pastor Barry’s top 10

Over the years I have been blessed, challenged and encouraged by a number of books and audio teachings. There are so many good books that can help us in our walk as Christians, and many conferences that we can attend.

Of course, the Bible stands head and shoulders above any work of man, but list below have blessed me, maybe God will use them to bless you also?

1. Cosmic Codes – Chuck Missler

This book opened my eyes to see what the Bible really is – it will cause you to see the Bible in a whole new light!

2. After The Flood – Bill Cooper

Bill Cooper deals a devastating blow to critics of the Bible and shows that the historicity of the Biblical record is second to none!

3. Footsteps of the Messiah – Arnold Fructembaum

Arguably one of the very best books on ‘Eschatology’ (the study of the end times)

4. Evidence that demands a verdict – Josh McDowell

A Christian classic – Peter says that we should be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us. This book will give you plenty!

5. The Chronology of the OT – Floyd Jones

Not for the faint-hearted, but probably one of the best detailed studies on Biblical chronology, with some wonderful insights.

6. The Two Babylon’s – Rev Alexander Hislop

Rev Hislop’s research is truly incredible in this hugely significant book that joins the dots together and shows the source of much mythology and false religion is to be found in ancient Babylon.

7. A Woman Rides the Beast – Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt in his usual thorough style lifts the lid on the false religious system that will help to usher in a One World Religion. This book is a shocking expose that all Christians should read in these days of Ecumenism.

8. Judgment Day – Dave Hunt

What is the real truth about Islam? Is it the religion of peace that world leaders would have us believe? What are the facts? Another must-read for Christians in these turbulent days.

9. What Love is This – Dave Hunt

There has long been a debate about Calvinism and Arminianism. What is the difference and does it really matter? Another thoroughly researched Dave Hunt classic that should be read.

10. The Long War Against God – Dr Henry Morris

There are a number of books that address the ‘Creation vs Evolution’ debate, but this is at the top of the pile and gets to the heart of the issues. Even after I’d been exposing the absurdity of the evolutionary position for many years, this book was still an eye opener and should find a place in any Christians library.


  1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ – Paul Washer
  2. Acts 20:24 – Don McClure
  3. The Emerging Church – Joe Focht
  4. Go! – Chet Lowe
  5. The Life & Ministry of Elijah Pt 2 – Joe Focht
  6. The Word – Steve Vickery
  7. Proving the Bible is True – Dave Hunt
  8. Faith & Evidence – Dave Hunt
  9. Hell’s best kept secret – Ray Comfort
  10. True & False Conversions – Ray Comfort

Links to these audio teaching sessions will be added soon


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