What if there was a mystery that spanned the ages? A mystery birthed in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago that is now determining the events of our day?
What if I told you this mystery involves global leaders, heads of state, presidents, and many others who have all been working to a predetermined timetable? What if I could show you that this mystery has decided world events down to the year, the month and even the very day of their occurring?
What if I showed you that everything that ever has been and all that will be are connected to and are part of this mystery?
What if I showed you that you don’t need faith to believe this mystery, because it is etched as a silent witness into our past, present and future?
This study, taught by pastor Barry Forder, is the first part of a series entitled “The Greatest Mystery” that will provide undeniable proof of the existence of God as revealed in the Bible, and of His working in the affairs of man throughout the ages.
In this session, pastor Barry will lay the foundation, drawing on a number of apologetic arguments, to demonstrate the solid basis for the Christian faith. But this is only the beginning! What is to follow over the coming weeks is truly breath-taking!
May you be blessed and encouraged by this study!