Paul’s Letter to Titus – Chapter 1 1-9

This verse-by-verse teaching on Paul’s letter to Titus, chapter 1, was given by pastor Barry Forder on the 22nd September 2019 at Calvary Chapel Portsmouth.

In this letter, written around 64-67A.D., Paul writes to encourage his faithfull co-worker, Titus, and to exhort him to:

Chapter 1:  All things set in order in the churches on the Island of Crete (many there were young believers that lacked maturity)

Chapter 2:  To uphold Sound in doctrine, for the good of the church and to counter the false teaching of those who thought ‘godliness was a means for personal gain’

Chapter 3:  To encourage Titus to impress upon the various congregations on Crete the need to perform good works as evidence that their Salvation was genuine!

In the first chapter, Paul reminds Titus of the three commissions he had been given:

1.Preach God’s Word   1:1-4

2.Ordain Qualified Leaders   1:5-9

3.Silence False Teachers   1:10-16

May you be blessed and encouraged by this study.



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